Tips to properly clean your windows

In our daily housekeeping chores, one of our least favorite parts is when it's time to clean the windows. This task is usually quite tedious and most of the time the final result is not what we expect.

Usually, we try to postpone this day as much as possible, which only deteriorates the appearance of our home and does not solve anything. That's why in this article, we will give you some tips that will help you to make your windows look clean and shiny.

Cloth or sponge?

Both options work very well. We recommend using a microfiber cloth, they are ideal for this job. However, if you prefer a cheaper alternative, you can use any sponge you have at home.

In case you don't have any of these at hand you have many other quick choices. One of the most common is newspaper, it is safe to avoid scratching your windows and leaves no unwanted deciduous. Another homemade solution is to use a coffee filter: it is effective in leaving your windows radiant and spotless.

Clean your windows on a cloudy day

Very often, it happens that you clean your windows on a sunny day and the soapy foam dries and leaves marks. That's annoying and makes you have to clean everything again. Here is the trick to fix this inconvenience.

If you want to avoid this problem, what you should do is wash your aluminium windows during cloudy days. This helps prevent the suds from drying out so you can rinse them properly and finally say goodbye to those pesky spots.

Double casement aluminium window

Accumulated dirt

Normally cleaning windows infrequently causes dirt to build up and become more difficult to remove. For these cases, the best option is to use a rough sponge that allows you to remove all the accumulated dirt.

Another thing to keep in mind when you start washing is where to start the cleaning. We recommend you to do it from top to bottom, to avoid water dripping on the areas that have already been rinsed.

Alternate movements

Washing windows from both sides may not be so easy. Sometimes you may encounter stains that are difficult to locate. It is almost impossible to tell if they are on the outside or the inside. This situation is quite frustrating and does not allow us to get the best result.

With this simple trick, you can prevent this from happening again. It consists of cleaning with horizontal movements on the outside and vertical movements on the inside. That way it will be much easier to identify the area where the problem is.

For the blinds

Blinds are a common fixture on windows; they provide privacy and help keep dust off the glass. For some people it may seem difficult to have to clean these folding curtains, but it can actually be a very easy task.

The most effective way to wash the blinds is to spray them with warm, soapy water. Then just wipe each of the paths with a tissue and you'll see how quickly it cleans up. Finally dry everything with another one and they will be as good as new.

Don't use paper towels

If you've ever thought of using paper towels to scrub or polish your windows, you know the consequences. At first glance, these towels may seem like a good option. However, the reality is that using paper towels is a mistake, as they only manage to stain your uPVC windows.

In addition, the paper can leave a lot of residue stuck to the glass and the result is a worse mess than when you started. If you want to avoid this inconvenience, always keep these cloths away from your glass.

two panels pcv window left side tilt and turn, right side turn

Use warm water

Warm water can be an excellent ally when cleaning your home. The reason is that it helps loosen dirt quickly and prevents you from spending long moments scrubbing.

The best way is to mix a little liquid soap in warm water to remove possible traces of grease. After that, moisten a sponge or cloth and gently wipe the glass to remove dust or stains. Finally, you must pass a dry handkerchief to remove the soap remains.

Polish the glass

Although it may seem an obvious action, many people forget this detail after removing dirt from their windows and bifold doors. Polishing the glass after grooming can greatly improve the final effect.

If you are not satisfied with the results of your day, perhaps you should just take a towel and dedicate yourself to polishing everything. Remember to use a cloth that does not leave any residue.

Aluminium Bifold Doors

Which cleaner to use?

When washing the glass in your home, it is very important to take into account the products you use. This is because they are our most effective helpers in ensuring a thorough cleaning.

You can simply purchase a spray glass cleaner. It is a bit expensive but effective choice, as it is a special product for cleaning the glass. If you don't like to use chemicals or you are allergic, here are some options that you can easily prepare at home:


In the case of lemon, an excellent ally also leaves a good smell and is available to everyone. Although it is a simple alternative, it works excellently.

All you have to do is mix one or two tablespoons of lemon in a liter of water and put it in a spray bottle. It is quite effective at removing stored grease and grime.


If you don't have lemon on hand, another inexpensive, homemade and effective option is white vinegar. Remember that vinegar has many antibacterial properties, making it one of the best alternatives. You can use it in several ways.

The first is to mix equal parts vinegar with warm water. If the smell is too strong, add more water. Once ready, spray the mixture on the glass and rub with a sponge or cloth in the direction you want. Finally dry the surface well with a towel.

Another way is to add in one part of water the same amount of vinegar and lemon juice in less quantity. This is a virtually foolproof formula to remove all traces of dirt.

You must be sure to properly remove all the leftovers. The properties of vinegar help to remove stains and accumulated dust without much difficulty.

Baking soda

It is no secret that baking soda has many properties when it comes to washing. When it comes to cleaning windows, this can be a sure ally.

You have to put two tablespoons of baking soda in half a liter of water. You can add vinegar to ensure a better result. Then you only have to spray the mixture all over the window and let it act for about five minutes. Remove the mixture with new water and a cloth.

In case the stains are very stuck to the glass, first rinse the windows with clean water. Then prepare a mixture of two tablespoons of baking soda in a cup of vinegar, and spray the glass.

Let it act for fifteen minutes and remove. We recommend you to do this on sunny days, to avoid creating marks that are difficult to remove.